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Message: Re: Address your Shareholders Donald J. McCaffrey

Kipk - the good reason, imo, is the God awful current environment we are in due to the uncertainties created by Covid-19.  For those that have a glass half full view of life the current SP can also be viewed as being a tremendous buying opportunity, especially if one is prepared to wait longer.  The history of ABL tells us that we are maybe 80% there with this drug but that it needs the other 20% to pay off.

In the months ahead the world will continue adapting to the huge monkey wrench that is Covid-19 and learn to live with what is now being termed as the 'new normal'.  As that adjustment progresses I think that you will also see RVX start moving ahead again towards nailing down that last 20%.  Yes, it likely will take another couple of years but life is what it is.  We just have to roll with the punches.  RVX is predominately still a private company with a few shares doled out to the public that has an restless and impatient fringe component within it.  That being the case I don't get too hung up on the SP as being an accurate reflection of the company's worth.

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