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Message: Re: BOM 2 Trial

Jun 10, 2020 11:30AM
Jun 10, 2020 11:38AM
Jun 10, 2020 12:12PM
Jun 10, 2020 12:56PM
Jun 10, 2020 02:53PM
Jun 10, 2020 04:07PM
Jun 10, 2020 05:37PM
Jun 10, 2020 05:59PM
Jun 10, 2020 07:08PM

HI Bear, nice post!

Hard to believe that the parties they're talking with didn't tune in to the broadcast, so I think it was very scripted and I'll cut them some slack if they're close on a deal!

I was hoping to hear more about just about everything, but if everything hinges on that FDA decision for now, I can wait a few more weeks.

Just really hope that Don gets it on two fronts after the summer is over.

The first one is that ORI hasn't converted, even at these gift prices. The loan is due in about three months, so what is their ultimate game plan here? They were given a board seat for that "measly" amount on the loan? Collectively, according to Tada's recent post, the minority shareholders have way more riding on this than ORI ever did! It would be interesting to find out how many shares are represented by the folks who read this board, and so far, it's been crumbs and bones for most of us while Ori sits in that chair at board meetings. Not good!

The other BIG STORM looming on the horizon is that some economic forecasters are very concerned about what will happen this fall on Main Street. Do we want to potentially witness that carnage in a weak financial position as a company???

Again, just really hope that at least Don gets it - and the sooner the better!



Jun 10, 2020 07:53PM
Jun 11, 2020 01:15AM
Jun 11, 2020 07:01AM
Jun 11, 2020 09:29AM
Jun 11, 2020 10:51AM
Jun 11, 2020 10:54AM
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