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Message: Revised target market, indications, market potential? ... and some numbers?

narmac ... thank you for sharing your POV. Understand the underlying frustrations and agree with much of the sentiment. I've had my days also, believe that. Didn't mean to single you out, just contemplating a host of strong Long's that have hit the wall, in one way or another. Appreciate ya.

My personal "re-foucus" now is to quit dreaming about wonder drug concepts, although epigenetics may yet prove to be a wonder strategy and MOA, with precise compounds/doses geared to specific mechanisms/indications.

With something "tangible" seemingly near with a much more focused and specific indication (Diabetic/CVD/CKD) showing great promise, a BTD, safety, and an expected positive FDA letter followed by a new study specific to past studies and previous findings, and a BP partnership likely soon ... I'm just looking to realistically estimate the potential value of that one area, for potential deal making. 

I agree that more/new leadership and guidance in collaboration with current leadership is key for a number of reasons: 1) new hope shaking off the cobwebs of the past for retail investors and pps, 2) resources and cash, 3) experience, 4) guidance.

Yes, every year that goes by potentially lowers future value for apabetalone due to shortening commecialized patent life, and allowing other competitors to come up with alternatives inside/outside the apabetalone class. Apabetalone could simply be the door opener to a whole new class of drug and MOA still though, with a very high value in and of itself.

So, yeah, let's get the show on the road, hopefully enjoy a much better pps along the way with some seriously positive news, and nail the BoM2 with nails, screws, glue, and clamps (and zip ties, if necessary).

I do hope/believe the recent "quiet" is for good reasons, negotiations with the big two in our RVX world right now: FDA & BP. Good news from those two, along with the "hedge fund" dumping losing steam, will do wonders in the short term on the way to the long term.

Just based on Diabetes/CVD/CKD combinations alone (no standalone CKD, Dimentia, Inflammation, PAH, COVID, etc), based on potential revenues numbers, ... I still think this stock can get back to April 2019 levels later this year ($3-5), and potentially be a $16-30+ stock in a few years with BP driving BoM2, if we can get into that position soon. Still very excited about this opportunity, and I am looking more at the realistic potential now at this point, rather than the pie-in-the-sky and wonderment of the past, it is gradually getting refined and understood via study ... the failures may remove some upside along the way but they also get it nearer to fruition for what it actually is in reality (with a lot of potential value still). Imho.

jmho & glta

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