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Message: Today's trading...

I think that we can also be thankful there was no US listing prior to BetOnMace.  I'm not sure what prompted the decision to not go ahead with that but it turned out to be a blessing for obvious reasons.  Having RVX bask in obscurity for a while longer until they firm up the winning hand can only benefit the stock in the long term.  True,for many investors this has been a long grind but this is also new medical technology (not sure if that is the right word) and it's going to take time to pinpoint where it will be most effective.

At this stage DM is almost certainly not acting alone when it comes to the direction the company is going and every major decision will be reviewed and discussed by the RVX Board and major shareholders directly.  We have no choice but to accept the information we have been given to date as being factual and any theories to the contrary are just that, theories (perhaps mixed with a healthy dose of frustration).  Covid-19 is likely a factor in how things are progressing but how much of a factor is again open to speculation.  However, I'm still very optimistic that good things will come out of this in due course.  Hepalink has pumped another $2.7M in the company to keep it afloat and you don't throw that kind of money into a losing proposition just to keep up appearances.

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