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Message: General Sentiment

Yes,,,,,,agreed,,,,,as a long time RVX investor the story just dont seem to change when one looks back. What makes things offensive for me is the lack of passing over info by DMcC,,he could have noted in his video of late that a PP would be looked at before year end and the reasoning for such when a deal is so close at hand in theory. Why are we not allowed to see beyond the closing share price at the end of the day!!!!!!!!Seems to me the only thing this PP does not change would be the price for a buy out to BP,,,,it certainly adds a nice tad of dilution for all present shareholders.

It must be obvious to the market that we do not have the best business model. There would seem to be a few possibilites to bring this science to patients in a more timely fashion and have the synergy to strengthen our balance sheet. But nope,,,not in our cards,,,,as the years pass only certain entities get fat. There also has to be multiple possiblities for agreements to fulfill moral obligations to best bring epigentics into the public realm. Management and the insiders are focusing on themselves as can be extrapolated from chicagoests' break down.

You can be assured insiders and those at arms length know when PPs are coming,,,,,,however the retail guy or gal is excluded......even the June/21 warrants are in danger of expiring worthless,,,,,,only 9 months away,,,and you can bank on the fact that the BoM2 trial start date will be pushed out into 2022,,,,..the market sees no urgency...and will place money almost anywhere else because of this time lag to a solid milestone,,,. jmo

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