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Message: December 22, 2020.

CS99, I think you are spot on with point number 2, stress poor management. I have never known the market to reward companies which show repeatedly that they are incapable of making accurate projections regarding the costing and management of corporate endeavours.  For many investors there is enough risk in biotech without adding the risk of horrible business management.  For sure it is the reason I don't have as much RVX as I could have.

Additiinally, I think bad management is likely the reason that the funding for HIV eradication trials is yet to be released to RVX. Management has talked for quite sometime about the funding being being in place. I was told it was from a foundation/charitable organization but I can't imagine such an organization readily releasing funds to a company that drifts from one financial mess to another under extremely poor leadership. Such organizations generally want to feel their money will be put to good use and are likely very averse to funding trials which may never be completed if the corporate entity fails. I can only imagine that this might be the same reason for the non-fruition of all the potential partnerships for other indications that management has yakked about over the years. 

BKC thanks for the abstract, I imagine this somewhat illustrates the difference between Apabetalone and Zenith's Zen-3694?


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