...We Welcome You To The Resverlogix HUB withIn The AGORACOM COMMUNITY!

Message: December 22, 2020.

Had a nice chat recently with one of Canada's top CEOs from yesteryear. Still has great connections, and other CEOs still seek his advice! Was very tempted to ask him if he knew Don or if he had ever heard of Resverlogix, but I never did! Why not? Same reasons that some of you have given recently.

A few weeks ago I thought that something big would finally materialize before the end of 2020, given Don's comments in early September, but that hope is fading fast. It might still happen, but then I remind myself of how often this hype occurs in the weeks/months leading up to our annual meeting(s). So predictable that it has become nauseating!

So, in a few weeks you will all be getting your AGM packages again. Louder than any venting on this platform, vent with your vote! Make it count in 2020...and that holds true for the rest of the BODs!


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