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Message: Re: Award of deferred shares and restricted shares

Personally, I think the "real" answer to your question Fuzz, is at interim analysis of BoM2. With BP resources/assistance/guidance, and the seemingly positive relationship with the FDA (if we can take Don's word about that?), plus recent discoveries RE SGLT2 synergies, I "think" (hope?) they get it right this time. Now, the necessary first step, and short term "buzz" and potential smaller opportunity, will be around a partnering deal, of course. I believe that will happen, no clue "when" ... complicated, just have to wait for whatever is holding it up at the moment (complexities, Covid, goblins?).

Don't love the waiting, previous false hopes, disappointments, delays, either. But I do think "something" is here and residing in the science, and hope the RVX mgt team has the fortitude, and wherewithall, and ability to keep it moving forward. Most of the recent signs are positive, other than the hand shake and dried ink, and initial check actually successfully depositing into an Alberta bank. 

Hoping for legit "news" tomorrow but not confident at all, or even optimistic at this point ... jmho's glta

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