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Message: Award of deferred shares and restricted shares

Toiniv , you say

Don is (now) compensating himself like a successful Biotech CEO...

Really..could you explain ? He does take a salary..yes,

did something change?

In case you didn't read, they have a wonderful drug that appears to do many wonderful things, so much that the FDA gave them  "A Break through Drug designation"..I'd say to date,that's pretty successful, and with extremely good odds more success coming soon...Don't you think ...lol

And if you would care to check..his salary is very reasonable for the position he holds..that info is at your fingertips, just gotta look...

you talk about "Dons passivity on the potential COVID opportunity" ?? 

You may have missed it..

Our drug is being tested as a potential therapeutic in the treatment of covid..is that passive enough..

the information is at your fingertips..

we'll hear an update in the near future..

and toiniv in case you missed it..

."Ori star fund"  converted a $13.3 million US worth of debenture in to Rvx shares at $1:08, I'd say that's pretty exciting, wouldnt you think..lol

Just gotta clean off the old glasses , the information is at you fingertips .you don't need to spread misinformation ...and they call you a hub leader lol

Very exciting ..









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