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Message: Resverlogix Announces Apabetalone Prior to SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Exposure Reduces Viral Infection – Confirms Plans for COVID-19 Clinical Trial

Curious day to announce this, or have a NR. Agree it is a diverion, and stocking stuffer while we wait for some real "deal" news. That said, this is monster news in this Covid world turned upsaide down, which brought the biggest economy in human history to its knees. Now, another study is promised with a pertner(s), for Covid development. Agree that Canada should be throwing money at RVX right now, if the "substance" in the early data and initial in-house results look like it could be helpful in preventing/treating Covid19 and potentially future mutations by grinding it to a halt at its origins in ACE2 receptors. This "is" great and promising news, but familiar story, where is this going?! I would expect this will dominate the AGM storyline today, building additional excitement for the "future" ... using a hot topic.

But - How the heck do you even valuate this late-stage drug, with so many possibilities, and yet with no "proven" benefit regarding study endpoints, yet, still?? ... ohhhh I don't know, just take $4-8b and hand the keys over to BP? Haha I wish! Oh yeah, there is still the P3 "proven" issue. Resigned to waiting another 2+ years for BoM2 interim results. Unless a BP trigger finger gets itchy, which would require multiple serious parties, each positioned to bust a move.

But, hopefully, the same or different BP's jump on the Covid "thingy" and eventually the overall science and future potential wins the day, and someone ponies up the cash because this has 20-30 years of revenues, and portfolio protection, and also has the potential to usher in a whole new world of medicine, especially when we look at other deals being consummated.

Curious to see if the combination of this announcement plus AGM move the needle at all, today?

Still long and strong. jmho's & glta

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