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Message: Resverlogix Announces Apabetalone Prior to SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Exposure Reduces Viral Infection – Confirms Plans for COVID-19 Clinical Trial

NextBlockBuster, I agree that this is great news.  It makes it even more frustrating that it get no attention.

"...this is major news and we'll get zero attention .  Unless something drastic happens to get this attention."

There is no substitute to picking up the phone and calling every Big Pharma CEO.  Every week, a couple dozen phone calls.  Be a real pest if you have to.  If you can't get through to a top C-level executive you call anyway and get every executive  assistant in the industry getting sick and tired of your persistance.  You have to, above and beyond fiduciary duties, if you truly believe your drug will relieve millions of people from suffering and early death.  

The science is amazing and we have a coveted FDA Breakthrough Therapy Designation in a blockbuster indication.  Either the message isn't being delivered to the right people or the messenger isn't convincing enough.  Something has to give!  There is too much at stake rotting on the vine! 


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