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Message: Re: Repetitive musings on repetitive issues

Imtesty, you are very kind to Don.

I have never doubted that he is an intelligent and pretty successful person who has kept the RVX ship floating.

The problem I'm having is that this company has BTS (break through status) with the FDA and that is a major scientific achievement. The evidence tells us RVX is grossly undervalued. There is no coverage by analysts. Don is scrapping the bottom of the barrel with Saudi money when there are billions of dollars available to fund biotechs worldwide especially a biotech that is the leading epigenetic company in CVD in the world and does RCT and many other benefits! 

I spent my life in the corporate world and have seen many managements come and go. You begin to develop a sense of the BS types and usually they have a 2 to 3 year run of things before reality catches up and they are removed. The structure of RVX and ZC don't really allow for this.

I don't know Don but he strikes me as a folksy nice guy. Nothing at all against Don.

However, this latest update makes it clear to me that this company needs a completely new and competent business team. A team with BP and financing roots. A team with connections and credibility in the biotech sphere as well as the biotech investing arena worldwide.

Apologies for this post. I was trying to not comment on management's weaknesses but your thoughts got me reflecting on this 10 year investment. I had and have big hopes but I no longer believe my hopes will be realized with Don at the helm.

Things must change. It appears that Don is about to proceed with another small trial (probably underpowered), he won't have the funds for the futility analysis and we'll fail 1 more time.

Sometimes we need a reality check.


Toinv           :)

Feb 13, 2021 09:24AM

Feb 13, 2021 03:41PM
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