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Message: Great banter the last couple of days
Feb 23, 2021 01:37PM
Feb 23, 2021 01:53PM
Feb 23, 2021 01:59PM
Feb 23, 2021 04:50PM

IMO the paradym shift is in the process of happening. This company has been around for 21 years or so and has almost had success on a number of occations, but came up short most of the time. The big challenge is the "new science", epigenetics. Not being a scientist I didn't understand the significants of totally new science in the pharma world. If the concept is not well understood why take the risk on it and potentially get mud on your face and find yourself without a paycheque. 

In earlier readings it was said that small molecule drugs had a harder time getting through the approval process than large molecule drugs. Not knowing or understanding the difference between the two didn't even cause a question to be asked. It now seems like the education of the the science masses is catching up with the long lead that RVX had when it first began. The number of favorable articles and papers is increasing as each year passes. The big question all of us have is: Is the time to act actually here? I'm not talking about you and I, I'm talking about BP.

For the first time that I am aware of DM talked about a BP that wanted to do a 10,000 person trial that would take 5 or so years. The significants there was not the 5 years, it was that a BP actually had some interest. Where there is smoke many times there is fire. The obvious question is how many companies are there in the wings looking at this. On the Zenith side there are 4 or 5, what is there on the RVX side?

Back to the beginning, the paradym shift. IF and that's a big if, an offer or partnership is made and accepted, the business side of this investment changes forever. That seems to be where the biggest challenges are coming from. There was a comment in the last couple of days that the strength of the BOD seems a little week and easily manipulated, that would change almost immediately. It would be responsable for any BP stepping in as a partner who is putting up some significant cash to request and receive 1 or 2 seats on the board. In order to make room for them 1 or 2 of the existing board members would be required to step down. The consiquence of that is instant strengthing of the board. Maybe just maybe that would be the trigger that would encourage DM to step aside as Pres/CEO and remain as Chairman of the Board. The result of all of this is win, win, win. The science wins by having the funds to prove what they beleive it can do, the BP wins by bringing this new science with a BTD to maket and most of all for you and I, the shareholders win.

The catalyst to set this all in motion is in the process of happening as we sit here, starting the COVID trial and having some success in that short trial.

There appears to be enough ducks lined up to get us through to May, IMO it wont take that long for one of those BP's to pull the trigger on either a partnership or outright takeover.


Feb 24, 2021 02:39PM
Feb 24, 2021 03:24PM
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