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Message: Re: Question
Feb 23, 2021 01:37PM
Feb 23, 2021 01:53PM
Feb 23, 2021 01:59PM
Feb 23, 2021 04:50PM
Feb 24, 2021 02:39PM
Feb 24, 2021 03:24PM
Feb 24, 2021 04:30PM
Feb 24, 2021 06:43PM
Feb 24, 2021 07:01PM
Feb 24, 2021 07:11PM
Feb 24, 2021 07:45PM

Paladin ... I feel like you are in my head sometimes haha.

If I am Don, my priorities are:

1. Big investors - who control the comapny, keeping them happy, keeping the lights on, keep BoM2 going forward, keeping them informed and excited. They are literally the financial "life blood" ... don't they make up around 75-80% of ownership also, along with inside holdings? Like it or not, this is the group that is going to be "in the know" and looked after during our journey, they are the blood and oxygen.

2. FDA - not much happens without them, and they can help trigger things in other continents as well.

3. Academia - gotta have academia support, studies, peer-reviewd publications, podium speakers. This is how Apabetalone will eventually get sold, recommendations and symposiums, articles, studies, and company sales/detail representatives citing those studies, publications and endorsements during the selling efforts and adoption cycles.

4. BP - unless we think Hepa (or RVX?!) is somehow eventually gonna handle global Mfg, Marketing, Distribution, Sales, eventually a BP will come into the picture whether upon FDA registration, or prior if they want to seize the oopportunity, and get it at a discounted rate. A game of "financial chicken" for them, for those that are truly interested in adding apabetalone and epigenetics to their portfolio.

We thin swath of "Joe Retail's" are literally "along for the ride" ... because we believe in the science, and because we "think" there is a pot o' gold at the end of this long rainbow, and while disappointed about some timelines and things we still like what we are seeing with BTD, BoM2 prospects, and certain interest and signals with some significant financial players and insiders.

I'm not suggesting that we shouldn't be treated better, and better informed, but this all feels like a show that I've seen more than a few times with medical companies on the way to market, and deals being made. It takes time, sometimes things get side-tracked or delayed. But, there comes a time when interested parties need to make a decision and commitment or else risk losing out on the opportunity (maybe to an important competitor) and avoiding the associated risk. Hopefully that "jumping off point for BP comes well ahead of BoM2 interim analysis, but it could go that way which would bring MAX value to RVX and share holders as well, on a positive note. Personally, I would be fine with giving a risk discount now, for security and realization of some ROI, but who knows what those discussions have looked like outside of the inner circle?!

Hopefully Don is in a position sometime soon to make a few phone calls ... "get on the bus, or get run over by it" ... meanwhile we are in the back of the bus "are we there yet, are we there yet" ... :)

... "99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer" ... 


Feb 25, 2021 11:01AM
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