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Message: 3D Human Heart Organoids.

Might be old news to the scientists and doctors here, but pages 1494-1495 help me to understand why the Aussies were so excited after their work with apabetalone, Covid, and those organoids.

Confidence % just got notched up another one!

Note: no mention of apabetalone, but very informative.



The Effect of CQ and RDV on 3D Human Heart Organoids

Although iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes


constitute an excellent model for human cardiotoxicity studies




[201203], recent advances in stem cell technologies have


facilitated the emergence of human stem cellderived organlike





model systems (organoids) which allow for higher degree




of precision and physiological relevance [204, 205].





Organoids recapitulate many organ properties, structure, and


physiology to a significant extent, thus arguably constituting a


better model than traditional 2D cell cultures containing a




single cell type and no microenvironment [206]. In contrast,





organoids have multiple cell types that interact with


cardiomyocytes, along with matrix native to the heart, providing


physicochemical properties that are better able to mimic


the heart in vivo. Organoids are particularly useful to study


unapproachable disease states in humans and have been used


to model a wide range of tissues and disease conditions with




great success [206, 207], including SARS-CoV-2 infection of


human lungs and intestine [51, 205, 208]. Using a recently





developed protocol for the generation of highly sophisticated




human heart organoids (hHOs) from hiPSCs [209], the cardiac





effects of CQ and RDV were explored with hHOs. Given


the higher complexity in the organoids, including different


cell types, morphology, and extracellular matrix, we expected


the organoids will be more robust than cardiac monolayer












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