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Message: So, the mood this week was.

Dicky To is their man on the board. When I check out ORI I see talented people (certainly far more savy than me for sure) who seem to be ROI oriented. 

I don't know if there are any connections between Hepa and ORI. I did not find anything.

All I know is what I see and interprete from my limited knowledge. As of today I'm not aware that Don has found a partner to fund BoM2. A successful Covid trial could possibly fund BoM2 but we have no update on the Covid trial and it is dragging.

Seems like an unusual way to conduct business when you have almost 2 years of post BoM positive research publications, FDA break through designation, etc. I would have thought that given the 6 year scientific lead that RVX has and given the trial results from BoM and the subsequent stream of positive research that partners would be knocking down the RVX door to get on board.

The ORI conversion is definitely a positive vote for the innovative science IMHO but I don't think they will be too patient (my guess) on the business side.

 Very odd business for sure.



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