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Message: Time keeps ticking

Oh for crying out loud fuzz I have been around long enough for everyone to know I don't talk FUD nor am I a pumper. As far as coming out of the woodwork ha! I pipe up once in awhile when I feel the need to say something, no different than anyone else. Funny you criticize me after your many, well expressed and repeated  grievances against almost everyone. Maybe your just that guy that complains about everything all the time. For the record I look at the the financials and other considerations when making a judgement so enough with your suspicious talk. Numbers are numbers and I look at those no differently than Gran Oso looks at clinical results. Facts are facts and at this point the company pretty much has one option left to skin this cat. One needs to look at this from a very pragmatic viewpoint and not prone to emotional outburst of frustration on a regular basis like someone we all know. The only thing to be suspicious about is DM himself.  The science stands on its own but unfortunately it's takes competent management to realize value as the science will never do it alone. I stand by my words, it's foolish to buy now knowing the company is on fumes and in need of capital. Don't worry I will be sure to come out of the woodwork to remind you of my words when they ring true and indeed they will.


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