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Message: Not good for the potential of apabetalone as a Covid-19 therapy

Apabetalone is not intended as a Prophylactic.

Koo, great point.  This study's findings and conclusions does not impact the viability of the apabetalone trial and the commercial potential of apabetalone as a Covid-19 treatment 

Other tid bits on my brain that gave me the resolve to buy more yesterday:

- Apabetalone's exemplary and well-documented safety profile in thousands of patient years
- Apabetalone, in a small New Zealand study, was given to totally healthy people and we found that it did absolutely nothing negative to them, it just slightly improved their already great proteome.  There is, IMO, a very unique ''need dependent'' response from apabetalone  
- Apbetalone's BD selectivity may not be the whole story to its success.  Maybe the degree of inhibition is important too.  Think of BDs as a 'dimmer switches' being set at correct intensities by apabetalone vs. other much more inhibitive approaches that would also cause a diminished immune response
- Apabetalone is not a pan-BET inhibitor and was not tested in this new study
- The study has not been peer reviewed

Curious on other's thoughts and\or rebuttals to any of the above.

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