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Message: Not good for the potential of apabetalone as a Covid-19 therapy

Does anyone have details they could share on the ''New Zealand'' study?

I just did a search on my files and all I have about the New Zealand study is the following comments made at the Nov 18, 2019 BETonMACE results conf call:

On slide 21...

21.   Apabetalone Improved CVD Outcomes in Impaired Renal Subgroup – Forest Plot


You’ll see a specific Forest plot for the renal. Now the way this is broken down is each category listed on the left side, the endpoint, has two parts to it. One is their glomerular filtration rate below 60, meaning you have some level of chronic kidney disease, and that above 60 meaning you don’t. So our drug was designed to work best in patients that are sick. The reason being is when you’re below 60, you start to have problems. You start to have coagulation issues, you start to have inflammation issues, etcetera. We’ve detailed this in great detail over the years, especially with our New Zealand trial. And you start to attract these bromodomain 4s and those are the culprits. What we do, is we inhibit the bromodomain 4s. So in the healthy patient, they’re not there. So the drug has virtually no impact in the healthy patient. The next several slides will highlight that quite clearly. And in a sick patient, it has a profound impact. And there aren’t reliable drugs out there for these patients. CKD patients unfortunately are managed, from stage 1, 2, 3, 4, through dialysis, through death. And we’re hoping to reverse that trend. We think that there is great potential here. And you’ll see it going forward. Now on slide 22...

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