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Message: Re: CityNews cover
Jan 31, 2022 09:20AM
Jan 31, 2022 11:05AM

Thanks for the link dlee38.

RE: reader comments

It keeps amazing me what some people pull out of their backsides and so often it is so obvious they don't have a clue, or have done a stitch of research behind what they say.  I felt like stepping in on some of these ridiculous conversations but stopped myself to avoid certain futility.

That said, this does expose a fairly common resistance to and fear of complex innovations, especially those that may be perceived to possibly alter you fundamentally or irriversibly.   In the absence of a Ph. D in genetics, it is a completely sane fear to have, imo.  Lately, I have been leary of the gene therapy narrative that Don insists on broadcasting.  IMO, not even one in a million people understand clearly what DNA, RNA and genes are, respectively, and much less about implications of toying with any of it.   I have been studying this stuff for years because of my DD in RVX and I still struggle to clearly understand and explain certain aspects.  My point is that I am concerned that Resverlogix is needlessly scaring the heck out of people/patients because they are talking to regular folk in a field that they know nothing about, making the audience or target patients naturally inequiped to make a decision and therefor fearful of, and hesitant to take, a drug they don't understand.   

My question:  Does Don HAVE TO get into the weeds of genes and DNA when describing the drug and its mechanics of action?  Maybe he does in a room full of Ph. Ds.  But when talking to joe public, could he not stay away from saying stuff that just makes people's eyes glaze over?  

Maybe keep the descriptions just short of getting into genetics, especially for the very short presentations and interviews.  Just a suggestion, say:

"Apabetalone is a small-molecule drug that safely and exclusively binds to a specific protein production receptor, inhibiting excess protein production and cooling down your overactivated inflammation response, a damaging overactive response that has been kept on by the disease." 


even simpler to understand:

"Many Diseases will cause an over-activation your body's inflammation reponses, which is what causes your body harm and potentially death.  We know that over-activated inflammation is a factor behind the progression of chronic diseases like CVD and CKD, and now also with Covid-19.   Its the over-activated inflammatory response that is killing you.

As peer-reviewed in Cell, Apabetalone is a safe and potentially highly effective anti-inflammation  drug that safely cools down overactivated inflammation responses in the body.  This was demonstrated throughout years of continuous patient dosing in recent human trials.  As a bonus, if apabetalone is taken early enough after infection apabetalone also acts as an extermely effective anti-viral.  And its very safe. "

Don, for joe public and patiens, KISS for our patients:  Keep it simple stupid for our patients 

Jan 31, 2022 12:45PM
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