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Message: Gonna be a multi billion dollar company soon imo get on board

Billion $ Company, maybe, hopefully yes,

Every Billion is worth about $4 US per share.  Real investors look at net income, speculators look for potential. We look at science!

If RVX ever gets big, use 20 times annual dividends for share price.  5% general idea for ROI.  But with 30+ other potential compounds on the shelf, what is the real value?  8 to 10 more years to test new compounds, too old to spend time on that!

Real question and no dreaming here, when will we know, what does the wind say?  Two Weeks?  End of February?  Mid March?  For me, the wait is too long. Yes and they say May.  Open study?

After many, many years watching and reading about the science, very difficult to sit on the edge of the chair for news that will provide wealth and great benefits to the worlds population.

Science is on our side, lets hope the body responds and returns to normal activity.  Real Key!

That would be the story.  Hope it makes it to Calgary News!  May the leak be good.  No news coming in three, four, five weeks, is not good.  Not with an open study.  If another knows the secret, it is no longer a secret.  sidebar.

My guess, share price, $100, sometime in 2024.  Yes, RVX is worth 50 billion, small compared to 75 MM world wide taking ABL.  The world realizes "cured" C19 patients will have heart trouble in 20 years.  ABL is only drug available, panic hits. Oral pill is better than the jab, and what about those "cured" patients donating blood.  Not good.  We need more science, really good for RVX.

Most thought Apple Corp under the bus in 2002. Look now.

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