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Message: Re: ABBV-744 is BD2 specific - worth a read

For those short on time:


There is a growing literature about the relationship between



COVID-19 disease severity, ACE2 expression and interferon regulation1


6. Given that ACE2 is known to promote recovery after




lung injury and that SARS-CoV-2 manipulates the host interferon



response4648, the misregulation of these two pathways may play a




major role in enhancing the severity of COVID-19. Our data suggest


that BRD2 is central to this regulatory network and therefore


pharmacological targeting of BRD2 may be a promising therapeutic


strategy for the treatment of COVID-19: BRD2 inhibition could


both block viral entry, through ACE2 downregulation, and act as


an ‘emergency brake’ for misregulated patient immune responses to


COVID-19, via downregulation of ISGs.





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