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Message: Re: Exempt Distribution - 2022-04-14

In fairness we don't yet know whether the Covid trial has slipped away and we won't with any certainty until we get the official result.  So, I remain hopeful that something good will come out of that.  It ain't over till its over.  Given the competition it may not yield as much as we would like but anything substantive is better than nothing.  Also, it's reasonable to expect that there would be multiple theraputics for Covid and it's still a big market.  More importantly, it would be another feather in the RVX epigeneitic cap, so to speak.

As for the trust issue I think almost all of those on this board are frustrated with the consistent failure to deliver on timelines.  While changed cirucmstances can, on occasion. thwart even the best laid plans it's clear that this occurs on a regular basis and with widely divergent results, and that's assuming we even have a result.  This creates a tremendous amount of uncertainly which of course the market doesn't reward.  So here we are.  

I try to hang on to the fact that we don't know 'everything' and the company is still operating, somehow, and I have every confidence that it will continue to do so through BOM2.  However, as I said in an earlier post, if I ever have an opportunity to get back to even I'll certainly have to think about whether or not to bail.  It will depend on the circumstances at the time.

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