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Message: New Apabetalone Fabry Disease Publication

It is truly a head shaker trying to figure out what the "strategy" of management is with RVX. Senior management/BoD must feel this is still an opportunity as recently a large part or all of their compensation has been in the form of share equivalents as "compensation for services" (INK insider reports).  Seemingly richly rewarded for non-performance but unless they are morons (which I suppose you could never totally discount that possibility with this group) why would anyone take shares as compensation in something with no hope. 

In the meantime the brain trust has managed this company down to a sub $100M CAN market cap. Having accumulated over $500M in tax credits means the company is trading as a no hope total loss, despite all the potential in the science. It would be great if management made some effort through actions and not just words to communicate to the market why it is so wrong. I sometimes wonder if anyone in management/governance is ashamed of their beyond dismal performance, I think they should be. 

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