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Message: New Apabetalone Fabry Disease Publication

Fouremm / others ... 

Fouremm wrote:

" Having accumulated over $500M in tax credits means the company is trading as a no hope total loss, despite all the potential in the science. "

Considering the above, my notion for a while has been that in the very worst case "doomsday" scenario, somebody would take this compay out at a bare bones minimum of $500m, or $1.5-2.00 pps. 

Of course that would be a disappointing disaster, however it gives me some cold comfort regarding the ultimate likelihood of at least getting my investment dollars back at some point (or my grand kids lol), even if it was a waste of time and value for the long hold, in the event of a bail out at some point if everything went south. That would mean another entity or BP getting the entire kit-n-kaboodle of science, library, IP, patents, BTD, etc for a song and a dance, however it would "seem" like an absolute "floor" to me. And safety net for my investmet based on my average purchase price (less than $1.50 pps).

Hopeful for extreme upside well beyond that floor of course, while "trying" to rationalize and manage the worst case downside?

Does this make sense in the real world, or am I drunk??

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