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Message: Re: My Rant - Limited attendance AGM, one way communication, vetted questions

NBB ... if he is being coached correctly, you are correct. Gotta believe he is getting better coaching now with Eversana. I would sure love to hear something good about financing and upcoming Covid and BoM2 studies, but not over-promising (so everyone "feels good") and under-delivering again. He does need to offer a realistic outlook and time line, but I am pretty sure it will be a more carefully constructed and more "guarded" message.

Definitely need a helping of some quality meat on this plate, but splease no more canned spam. Need some real meat, if there is any. If there isn't any tasty meat, then that is not a good look either though, being the AGM and several key studies "supposedly" aboiut to commence, and without good timeline updates and financing options (even if without micro specifics and details). 

It's your AGM for goodness sakes, bring something real for the minions and the markets, even if the whales and insiders are the fulcrum of a successful future.

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