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With the state of malaise and uncertainty that markets worldwide are experiencing – and the relative lack of alternative investment vehicles that are fairly “safe” – gold is enjoying a bonanza like never before. The precious metal is continually making new highs as it hovered around $1,350 an ounce in trading October 6th. Continued economic worries globally are sending investors in droves to gold as a safe and solid investment. Analysts world-wide are making predictions as to where it will stop. While figures vary to where it will go, the common consensus is that the price of gold is not going down; only further upward. Debt problems continue to plague countries everywhere, Ireland being the latest to publically announce major concerns, as further government monetary intervention is remaining a hot topic and an almost certain inevitability.

And it is almost a proverb: markets hate uncertainty, so where do investors go to escape that uncertainty? Traditionally, the answer has been gold, with the result that companies who make the search for gold their quest – and the companies who back that quest – are the ones with the inside track on vast potential wealth.

But for sure, things are shaking in the gold space, and many experts’ projections are adding to the buzz. Jefferies, a major global securities and investment banking group raised its 2010-2011 gold price target to $1,400 from $1,300 per ounce a few days ago and many other analysts and investors think this is a very low target.

As the U.S. Dollar continues to weaken, the Fed’s balance sheet continues to expand due to quantitative easing and with investors and central banks continuing to accumulate metals, it is highly probable that gold prices are going to continue to be driven higher. Let’s not forget that it was inflation that served as the spur for investors to buy gold in the 1970s and 1980s.

Gold is valued for its scarcity – hence its high price – and yet, is being found in remote locations all over the world, and the exploration and investment companies who put in the research efforts to find these far-flung spots rich in gold will be rewarded.

One such place is the African nation of Mali, bordered by Algeria, Senegal, Niger, Mauritania, Guinea, Burkina Faso and the Ivory Coast, and home to what insiders have called a “gold rush” dating back six years. The African Gold Market is becoming a hot spot for miners as companies are vying for positions to leverage this rapidly emerging market.

It’s here, in this vastly promising territory, that Vancouver-based Rockridge Capital Inc. (TSX-Venture:RRC), is already getting its hands dirty, particularly on the Fatou project in Mali, where RRC management has been working diligently to have its team in place -- country manager, drill contractors, assay labs, suppliers, banking and legal experts.

RRC, an aggressive new company (it’s only been in business for three years) has wasted little time securing the support of local, regional and federal government officials in that country and has a strong Malian partner in its claim holder. Clearly, RRC is hitting the ground running to increase shareholder value the world over by its activities in West Africa.

And there’s lots to get revved up about, when it comes to this development: the Fatou exploration permit covers 250 square kilometres and is accessible via a paved highway linking the towns of Bamako and Zantiébougou and then by a 45-km road to the permit area. Fatou is situated along the north-east trending Kadina Fault which is mapped as being over 100 km in strike length (a fault being a slip-surface between two portions of the earth's surface that have moved relative to each other).

The area has much to recommend it: Fatou, despite its relative newness (it was discovered in 2004 by Anglogold Exploration (NYSE:AU)), has been a hotbed of gold finds ever since, with more than 1,500 miners of all shapes, sizes and budgets, working the area over the last few years, using manual labour and rudimentary techniques. RRC was busy on Fatou this spring with detail soil sampling beginning in March, drill program design in April and drilling itself underway in May.

Not wanting to keep shareholders (and those who want to be) waiting, RRC, worked diligently for the last several months and announced assay results from 38 reverse circulation drill holes (3,789 metres) completed on the North Artisanal Area at the beginning of this week. It’s no surprise why investors were buying up shares in the Company before the results were released as the details were very promising.

The first phase of drilling, which totaled 38 reverse circulation holes drilled to a maximum depth of 100 metres, tested 300 metres of strike of the main Fatou gold in soil geochemical anomaly. FIVE different gold zones were identified with all 5 zones open along strike and to depth. Four of the five appear to be increasing in width and grade to the northwest.

15 of 21 drill holes in the core of the anomaly intersected widths of 2 to 55 metres, greater than 0.75 grams Gold/tonne. In addition, there are three gold in soil anomalies with a total strike length of over 10 kilometres within the 250 square kilometer land package left to be explored.

And, it appears, Fatou is far from alone in promising riches to gold prospectors worldwide. About 60 kilometres down the road, lies the Syama mine, which produced more than two million ounces of gold while owned by BHP/Randgold Resolute Mining. It is estimated to contain three million ounces of gold resource in situ (Latin for “in the place”). The Syama mine is just another example of the incredible riches located in that part of the world, and RRC is currently well positioned to possibly cash in on the wealth.

Proven leadership is a key component to a successful business. In June of this year, RRC added Mr. Richard Williams, M.Sc., P.Geo. to its Board of Directors Mr. Williams is a Professional Geologist with 21 years’ experience in gold mining and precious and base metal mineral exploration in southern Africa, the Americas and southern Europe. Since 2004, Richard has served as CEO and Director of Helio Resource Corp, which is actively exploring the SMP Gold Project in Tanzania.

This company has a lot of room to grow, as it has just now moved through its 52-week stock high of 50 cents, achieved last March, amid growing turmoil in the market which, as we’ve seen, pours into bullion and/or fills the coffers of gold companies. RRC’s stock low for the year was achieved on November 25, 2009 at a dime and it hasn’t looked back since. With the new data on the gold in the ground, it’s hard telling where the price per share will stop.

From a technical standpoint, V.RRC is consolidating after a strong move. The first climb from $.325 to $.425 consolidated nicely in a sideways channel as the indicators reset themselves before the “next leg up” happened as the pps surged from $.425 to nearly $.58. Once again, the price is channeling sideways (between $.50 and $.575) and the indicators are resetting again. The ADX, a good measure of strength of trend, is set nicely for this uptrend to continue. Volume is slowly being reduced, giving hints that profit takers from the large moves are out now and we will be looking for volume to enter again as the chart appears to be preparing for another run at the upper resistance at $.58. The chart to the left will give you a more visual idea of the technical makeup of this Company's stock chart. As we always mention at this point, these are merely AllPennyStocks.com's interpreatations of the RRC stock chart. Investors are encourage to contact a financial advisor and perform their own due diligence before investing in any stocks they see on AllPennyStocks.com.

A lot, obviously, is riding on the company’s success with Fatou, and how soon it discovers new fields with potential elsewhere in the world. The Company is not only searching for one of the best performing commodities over the last few years, but from their initial results it is definitely on to something. With the Company’s 250 square kilometres exploration permit in an area that has been a hotbed of gold finds for years and a gold mine located just 60 kilometres down the road which produced over two million ounces of gold, investors will have plenty of reasons to get excited about Rockridge Capital Corp.We at AllPennyStocks.com are equally excited about this junior miner and waiting avidly on its next set of results and encourage our investors to also take a closer look at Rockridge Capital Inc. (TSX-Venture:RRC) and conduct their own due diligence on the company.

As always, more information on Rockridge Capital Corp., (TSX-Venture:RRC) can be found by going to the full RRC profile at AllPennyStocks.com or by clicking here.


  • Gold Continues Making New Highs. Gold has increased over $100 this last month alone and analysts worldwide are constantly speculating on just how high will go. It was inflation that served as the spur for investors to buy gold in the 1970s and 1980s.
  • Exploring For Gold In Area With Many Recent Gold Finds. Fatou, despite its relative newness (it was discovered in 2004 by Anglogold Exploration (NYSE:AU)), has been a hotbed of gold finds for years, with more than 1,500 miners of all shapes, sizes and budgets, working the area over the last few years, using manual labour and rudimentary techniques. RRC has been busy on Fatou this spring with detail soil sampling beginning in March, drill program design in April and drilling itself underway in May.
  • Significant Gold Find In Close Proximity To Company’s Exploration Permit. About 60 kilometres down the road from the Fatou property, lies the Syama mine, which produced more than two million ounces of gold while owned by BHP/Randgold Resolute Mining. It is estimated to contain three million ounces of gold resource in situ (Latin for “in the place”). The Syama mine is just another example of the incredible riches located in that part of the world, and RRC is currently well positioned to possibly cash in on the wealth.
  • Gold Rush Occurring In Mali. The African nation of Mali, bordered by Algeria, Senegal, Niger, Mauritania, Guinea, Burkina Faso and the Ivory Coast, is home to what insiders have called a “gold rush” dating back six years.
  • Significant Drilling Results. The initial drilling program at Fatou property has just revealed FIVE different gold zones with all 5 zones open along strike and to depth. Data shows that the zones are increasing in width.
  • Potential, Potential, Potential. RRC has positioned itself in a location where gold is proven to be abundant and is properly aligned to start capitalizing on ever-increasing gold prices. Spearheaded by a team of geologists with extensive experience, RRC has the tools required to tackle the African projects to its full capacity.


Rockridge Capital Corp. is a Vancouver-based, TSX-Venture listed gold exploration company. Founded in 2007, Rockridge has a strong and diverse management team and board of directors experienced in sourcing, exploring and financing prospective gold deposits.

Corporate Information
  • Exchange: TSX-Venture
  • Market Cap: 15.9 Million
  • Outstanding Shares: 32.1 Million
  • Price: $0.495
  • 52 Week Low / High: $0.10 / $0.58
  • Information As Of October 6, 2010

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Forward Looking Statements

This report includes forward-looking statements that reflect Rockridge Capital Corp. current expectations about its future results, performance, prospects and opportunities. Rockridge Capital Corp. has tried to identify these forward-looking statements by using words and phrases such as "may," "will," "expects," "anticipates," "believes," "intends," "estimates," "plan," "should," "typical," "preliminary," "we are confident" or similar expressions. These forward-looking statements are based on information currently available and are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause Rockridge Capital Corp.'s actual results, performance, prospects or opportunities to differ materially from those expressed in, or implied by, these forward-looking statements. These risks, uncertainties and other factors include, without limitation, the Company's growth expectations and ongoing funding requirements, and specifically, the Company's growth prospects with scalable customers, and those outlined above. Other risks include the Company's limited operating history, the Company's history of operating losses, consumers' acceptance, the Company's use of licensed technologies, risk of increased competition, the potential need for additional financing, the terms and conditions of any financing that is consummated, the limited trading market for the Company's securities, the possible volatility of the Company's stock price, the concentration of ownership, and the potential fluctuation in the Company's operating results.


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