high grade gold & moly

15 Gold properties & 1 Molybdenum resource - Beardmore & Geraldton, N/W Ontario.

Message: Interesting discussion,,,Metacom... RMK and the others in camp

Nov 10, 2007 05:14AM

Nov 10, 2007 07:26AM
Nov 10, 2007 04:14PM
Nov 11, 2007 09:24AM

Nov 11, 2007 10:51AM

Nov 11, 2007 02:01PM

  I happy to see that you understand Roxmark and this sector in general Metacomet. I'm catching up on my weekend away,,,and noticed some posts wishing that Roxmark would be more like KXL.

  Don't get me wrong,,,I like KXL,,,they have found some great grades of mineralization,,,have promoted their find,,and have done RMK shareholders a favor in bringing attention to this mining camp.

 I held KXL,,,made out OK,,and sold after it ran up,,,,but that's the point,,,I sold. Because I know that the chances are high that any junior explorer will correct in share price,,,and some just never recover after that first big find. Grab and Trench samples are not the same as drill results. Building shafts and a mine takes YEARS

  And you,, Metacomet have hit the nail on the head. This sector is full of juniors which make great finds,,,,,the stock takes off,,,,many jump on board after a huge run up,,,and then the MM's dump,,,leaving the small guy as the bagholder.

  I have stated many many times why I love Roxmark and their management. Cunningham is not going to play this game,,,he has integrity. He has a plan to build a Gold Producing Company. RMK was listed on the CNQ exchange for many years. All the old news stories are on the CNQ site still. I recommend all shareholders check out the CNQ site and read up o RMKL history. The reason I love RMK is I don't have to watch this stock every second,,,,waiting with baited breath for the stock fall off a cliff after a run up.

  We have the gold,,,,and the Moly,,,and the infrastructure,,,and a management team that knows about this sector,,,knows the future of gold in the world,,,,and knows how to manage a gold producer !

 All of this will happen IMO,,,,,we will be a producer,,,,not a day too soon,,,,not until it's a sure thing IMO. That day is fast approaching.

 KXL,,,and Sage,,,and many of the other explorers are YEARS away from producing a single ounce of gold. THAT IS A FACT. We are months away IMO.

Nov 12, 2007 04:30AM
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