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San Gold Corporation - one of Canada's most exciting new exploration companies and gold producers.

Message: Q3 OZ Produced

Why wouldSAN use shareholders equity to reward an IR dept directed to"fly under the radar?" The only success I've ever known to "fly under the radar "was" a career bank robber from Winnipeg who flew his own Cessna to and fro specific "targets" most of which were in TO!

In the end he served 10 to 20!

Escaped, "flying under the radar" on his way to "tempory" freedom in the US!

What or who are management trying to foil (fool) here. It seems Goodman is in the cockpit, fully aware, by virtue of his insider status, of every secret SAN is not or has not disclosed!

His (Ned's) circle is no doubt very exclusive. They are Seymour, Rob, and Peter to name a few. (two Peters, and a Jimmy have also been named as former "associates!")

If they all know, who is it thats not privy?

I didn't see them at the AGM, so where is it they get their "INFO?"

It seems a very strange "philosophy" for a publicly run CO where its incumbant for management to act in the "best" interests of all SH's!

After all, to quote T Boone, "its the SH's that own the CO not management!"

T Boone kicked a$$ with several major oils because their management was "flying under the radar," (literally) acting the part of feudal lords, rather than treating their SH's as owners! (failing to reward them accordingly!)

Even under attack their primary interest was their own "butts," not rewarding their owners. (SH's)

IMHO, the "big boyz" have all the info, it's the peasants (remember it can, and is, often viewed by management as a feudal system) and pi$$ants who are kept in the dark!


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