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Message: Venezuela to offer Russians Crystallex gold project

Just great, but not unexpected! Time to reread Ayn Rand's letter to Boris Spassky (a Russian citizen) after he won the world chess championship! (In the heat of the "Cold War!")

Paul martin, remember him, was just on the National applauding the election of NA's most left-wing president ever! It's not the colour change we have to worry about, its all (politics) about philosophy! Statism a la Hugo is always breathing down the necks of "freedom!"

Ron Paul got only a few votes from an "excited," somewhat emotionally charged electorate. IMHO, voting with thier hearts rather than their heads. He could have been "green" and and still wouldn't have gained a single extra vote, as "freedom" based philosophy finds itself on the outer limits of todays American political mindset!

Just an oppinion.

At a lesser level, why do you think the last 30 miles into Bissett is gravel? Could it have anything to do with the direction of "political" favours? ($$$$) Or do Bissettians and surrounding residents just like the taste of dust!

The prize in Venezuela is too "big" to let some low-life investors snag the spoils, never-mind the corporate taxes collected!

MB, your right on, the "kickbacks" on this one will be humungous!


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