- Main Entry: ver·i·ta·ble
- Pronunciation: \ˈver-ə-tə-bəl\
- Function: adjective
- Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from verité
- Date: 15th century
: being in fact the thing named and not false, unreal, or imaginary —often used to stress .............Thanks NowWhat, Yes 4 yrs can seem like a long time, and the boys deserve a round of Aplause. Sans story is one that will just keep growing, so don't think you have to leave. I notice you follow the SKP board so ..please see what SKPs CEO ( Richard Boulyay) and Courtney Shearer both directors on San Board have as pet project...Just cross the hall. San has a big hold on the Strikepoint claims, so the board should be busy walking back and forth. sorry , i am just imaginng this.Long On The Greens. Traps7