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San Gold Corporation - one of Canada's most exciting new exploration companies and gold producers.

Message: Re: AND....................

Nov 06, 2009 08:43AM
Nov 06, 2009 09:06AM
Nov 06, 2009 09:29AM

Nov 06, 2009 09:35AM
Nov 07, 2009 05:04AM

You laugh at 3 mln oz?

you have no idea how big San Gold really is.Lets keep this comparison in context.The Lalore find is great as their zinc find carries gold as a by -product,but if they where to mine just their gold in their other areas of their release then scroll through their results. I see alot of narrow widths which would be expensive to mine as you would require at least 5ft widths of 7 gr/ton. I see some high grade but narrow wds which would give a high strip ratio . I look at Sans bulk sample from our hinge and see a $ 180. an oz mining cost per oz. Lets not forget once we ramp into these new low cost hinges we are proving up,San will be the darling of Canada.I guess if San was to tell all in one big news release we would read that the Rice Lake has proven the main mine holds massive mining wds veins all the way down to 7000 ft.The Cartwright is proven for two Kilometers West and said to be a mirror image of the main mine.I see we proven the SG1,2, AND 3 mines as rich veins.I see the Wingold vein vein running parallel to the Sam Unit showing over one oz per tn.I see the hinge being gold baring all the way down to 6000 ft and proven back to the main mine and the emporer,cobina, goldcup,L13 all showing mining wds of high grade.San has 15 km of exploration blue sky which history of pass drilling shows high grade all around this blue sky.I see San holding 50 % of the Strike Point claims that hold past producing mines and past producing mines down by Angelina and Beresford Lake. I guess if we all new just how big the Rice Lake Green-Belt really was then Winkin, Blinkin and Nod would not be able to keep us in check. San requires more Geologist to tackle our drill shack holding kilometers of vissible gold and put this massive elephant into proper perspective. Long On The Greens.Traps7

Nov 08, 2009 10:40AM
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