Seafield Resources Ltd

Mazatlan, Mexico - Dryden, n/w Ontario - Fire project, ROF McFauld’s Lake On

Message: from IKN - loads of insider selling versus James West's call

Twilight, all you're doing is making a bunch of assumptions and presenting them as facts. You're not a very skilled debater, are you? Seafield hired West? What makes that true? The fact that it just happens to fit into your argument does not make it true. Grow up. Retail filled the whole $15MM financing? Are you just pulling this stuff out of thin air? Am I supposed to believe that you're actually well connected enough to know this stuff? Please...

If you knew how to present a proper argument, you could actually make some pretty strong points because you're clearly an intelligent individual. Convincingness is not your forte, though.

You and I both know that likening mgmt's selling of their shares to buy into the financing (if they did in fact do so) to penny-flipping/day-trading is a ridiculous argument. Grow up.

Personally, I don't have a whole lot riding on this so I don't mind taking a loss if it comes to that.

By the way, you conveniently forgot to answer the most important question so I'll copy/paste it from my last post:

...if you're not invested in SFF, though, then why are you here? Do you feel it's your duty to come warn us helpless fools to sell our shares here before we lose money? You're just looking out for us? Is that it? No one does anything without a reason. What's your reason? Just hoping it goes down so that you can turn around and say "I told you so"? Will that make you feel good about yourself? Come on, fella...please enlighten me as to the motive behind your posts here...

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