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Message: Level 2 with 17 minutes to go...

Level 2 with 17 minutes to go...

posted on Oct 11, 2007 05:13AM



I think we might see a lot of volatility in the premarket activity... but we will see where we open!  Still no NR...


Market by Price
Total Size # of Orders  Price 
86,900  0.325 
5,000  0.320 
25,000  0.310 
50,500  0.305 
13,000  0.300 
 Price # of Orders Total Size
0.325  11  124,000 
0.330  33,500 
0.335  50,000 
0.340  10  107,500 
0.345  92,500 
Market by Order
Time of Order Broker Name Size Price
7:00:45 SCOTIA  10,000  0.325 
7:33:22 TD SEC  1,500  0.325 
7:36:09 CIBC  42,400  0.325 
8:46:10 SCOTIA  1,500  0.325 
8:50:43 NATIONAL BANK  12,000  0.325 
9:02:00 TD SEC  3,500  0.325 
9:03:04 RBC  16,000  0.325 
9:04:55 RBC  5,000  0.320 
10/10/2007 3:51:46 DESJARDINS  5,000  0.310 
8:50:19 BOLDER  20,000  0.310 
 Price Size Broker Name Time of Order
0.325  2,000  TD SEC  7:33:28
0.325  5,000  TD SEC  7:33:55
0.325  5,000  CANACCORD  8:01:18
0.325  10,000  NATIONAL BANK  8:06:10
0.325  40,000  ANONYMOUS  8:28:20
0.325  20,000  RBC  8:33:01
0.325  15,000  ANONYMOUS  8:47:39
0.325  5,000  CANACCORD  9:07:30
0.325  12,000  CANACCORD  9:09:29
0.325  5,000  CANACCORD  9:11:23

Oct 11, 2007 06:28AM
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