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Message: Re: Current Status of Smoothe Prospect Well Currently Drilling

Apr 09, 2008 05:46AM

Apr 18, 2008 06:27AM

Apr 28, 2008 04:53PM

May 13, 2008 10:43AM

Sep 23, 2008 05:00PM

Sep 24, 2008 02:48PM

Sep 24, 2008 04:59PM

Dec 08, 2008 08:05AM

Sonris is the Department Of Natural Resources for the state of Lousiana so you will only be able to locate wells drilled in Lousiana esp. the Gulf Of Mexico on this site. For Tenessee I would Google the Tenessee Department Of Natural Resources or its equivalent there..what ever it is called in Tenessee.

Cheers; Scott

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