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Message: carmine's..............

Pic- You're correct in that the sp went down some during the meeting- but whatever selling went on that day didn't do much damage. The sp actually recovered well that day (before news from the SHM really got out) and closed right in the range (.25-.30) it had been trading the previous couple days. The real tanking was on Monday, opening 20% down, never recovering, and closing at .20. The tank continued for a month down to the .12 area. The sp has never really recovered since then, trading above .20 for maybe a month total, and above .25 for only a matter of days. This for a company that has actually made huge progress and begun production. The recent tank from ~.15 down to below .10 also resulted from PRs that turned out to be completely misleading. We were expecting reasonably high grades for the ore piles- half an ounce as a conservative minimum, with 1-2 ounces or more possible. You (or maybe another attendee at the SHM) mentioned that RK told you (as he also told me) that the Oso ore was 2-4 oz stuff. And the PRed grades also led us to believe that the ore piles were high grade- as in the following PR excerpt (bolding added):


MURPHY, ID, May 19, 2010 (Marketwire) -- Silver Falcon Mining, Inc. (OTCBB: SFMI) provides an update on its 100% owned Diamond Creek Mill facility's milling operations. For the last 4-weeks, the Company's mill manager and engineer successfully completed numerous testing on the mill to move forward with an immediate comprehensive milling schedule. Preliminary recovers during the testing mill phase has shown 0.75 oz per ton precious metal values with a $50.00 per ton cost. As of May 17, 2010, the mill now fully operates. As mentioned in the May 4, 2010 corporate release, once optimal mill outputs are achieved the Company will further update shareholders on grade/output quantifiers.


As we all know, when they finally released info from which we could calculate grades (the actual grades weren't stated, you had to make some guesses and calcualtions because the PR was so unclear and miserably written), the grades they have been processing were less than 1 g/t. A double whammy- poor grades that seemed worse because IR had led us to believe they would be much better.

Believe me, I've been watching this one from just about the beginning, and almost every sp drop has been because of negative news- and not just negative news, but negative news that contradicted what we were led to believe in the PRs. Such as suddenly restarting the mill building process at Diamond Creek after being told for a year that the mill construction at Melba was going fine and production was to start any day. Or thinking that SFMI was generating revenue when the GHDC payment was made with "proceeds from the historic tailings". BTW, that PR is no longer on SFMI's website. Wonder why? There's a very good reason that SFMI has a credibility problem, and I hope that it is addressed with some hard questions at the SHM. BTW, I won't be able to attend the SHM this year. I had to make some commitments during September, and kept the Silver City open house weekend open. Unfortunately, it turned out to be the next week. To bad- I was looking forard to meeting everyone again, seeing new faces, and touring the Sinker.

And I did pick up some of those .093s today.

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