According to Roger Scammel which I heard directly from his mouth. It quite easy to do surface drilling and he said 1000 ft would be ideal. The deeper you go, the more costly the drilling.
Sinker Tunnel is quite an extensive operation. You have finish the job of securing the interior with drill bolts and nets. You have to have an escape route and you have to escavate a room to fit in the drill within the room to start your drilling. This is labor and capital intensive.
If I was a betting man, I am hoping they have the funds to begin the surface drilling ASAP and while that is happening begin the work within the Sinker Tunnel.
Of all depends on capital. ($3 million dollars ) sneaky suspicion is they have it.
BTW : my glass is more than half full at this point and I bet they want to get this operation going before the Bush tax cut expires. 2013, Capital gains tax goes to 20% and dividend payouts to the IRS go up to 40% from the current 15%. When has a Democrat ever disliked taxes?
You have to realize this upcoming election is probably the most important election in the last 152yrs. I understand the leftist mindset since I live in the shithole of California. Tax and spend.....