There is this very large pubco, 'A', out there that has nowhere to go but down. It needs rescuing... but it still has huge revenues. There is a very large resource, 'B' out there that only needs $ to be unearthed... to yield hundreds of millions. Both are in a stalemate in their own respective markets. So, one day the Pres. and BOD of 'A' get together with 'B' and take a leap of faith. 'B' can borrow millions to fund a loan to 'A', no problem for a year or so. So, 'B' loans bridge financing to 'A' to get the ball rolling. In sequential steps, 'A' drills into the high grade and 'B' gets a quality percentage revenue stream, and first rights of refusal to increase funding on increased high grade discovery and revenue... with blue sky potential. Maybe 'A' buys 40% of B's stock. Any number of possibilites are possble. 'A' and 'B' become very profitable for all concerned in a fairy tale win-win. This has already happened with a Japanese electronics firm and a gold concern.