Message: Re: Mr. Thomas K. Bundtzen - Pacific Rim Geological Consulting Inc.
Feb 09, 2008 10:37AM

Re: Mr. Thomas K. Bundtzen - Pacific Rim Geological Consulting Inc.

in response to by
posted on Feb 09, 2008 12:36PM

Current and Past Clients of PRGCI

Placer Dome U.S. Alexco Corporation
Newmont Mining Corporation Northair Group
American Copper and Nickel Inc. Doyon Limited
Kinam Gold Corporation Calista Corporation
North Star Exploration, Inc. Sitnasuak Native Corporation
BHP Billiton Alaska Office of Attorney General
CH2M Hill Alaska Department of Natural Resources
Tri Valley Corporation U.S. Geological Survey
Silverado Gold Mines Ltd,
aka Silverado Green Fuels, Inc.
Russian Company KoryakGeoldobycha
Nevada Pacific Mining Company Little Squaw Gold Mining Company
Barrick Gold Corporation Silver Phoenix Resources
Siberian Copper, Ltd. Alaska Ventures
ABR Inc. U.S. National Park Service

Diamond core drill rig on project managed by PRGCI

Gartner Lee, Ltd.

*** PRGCI regards work done for all clients as confidential unless either permission has been given to release the results of such project work or the results have been publicly released. This important condition applies to all clients listed above or anywhere else on this website.

Recent PRGCI Mining Project Case Histories

Management of Alaskan Field Operations for North Star Exploration, Inc. From 1999-2002, PRGCI managed programs and the Alaskan field office of the Denver-Based junior company North Star Exploration, Inc. (NSEI), which leased 7 million acres of interior Alaska lands owned by Doyon Limited, a native regional corporation based in Fairbanks. The work plan carried out programs ranging in size from $1.5 to $3.2 million USD in exploration using up to 15 geologists, logistical personnel and geophysics experts annually. First-phase drill programs were carried out on five properties. Exploration Confidentiality agreements were signed with 13 companies.

Projects under PRGCI management resulted in the discovery of PGE-Ni prospects near Farewell, a high grade silver-gold-copper prospects near Northway Junction, a copper-gold prospect at Divide in the Goodpaster district, a high sulfidation gold-silver prospect at Kaiyah on the Yukon River, and promising gold prospects in the Innoko district near McGrath.

PRGCI drill tested a low grade calcium carbonate
resource with a reverse circulatory (RC) drill rig
in southwest Alaska.

39 ounce platinum nugget from KGD placer
mines on Kamchatka Peninsula

Diamond drill programs and large camp structures required compliance with both State of Alaska and Federal regulatory framework. All of our reclamation work passed compliance field officer inspections.

Industrial Mineral Assessments - PRGCI completed a mineral-in-character assessment for the Alaska Office of the Attorney General and another client for sand and gravel deposits in interior and south-central Alaska. The assessments required drilling, a geologic mapping effort, an environmental analysis, and a marketability test.

A large mining client employed PRGCI to search for a calcium carbonate resource suitable for lime production and various acid-mitigation applications to be applied at a large mining development project in the Kuskokwim River area of southwest Alaska.

KoryakGeoldobycha (KGD) Mine Developments in Kamchatka, Russian Far East PRGCI was under contract with the Russian mineral firm Koryak Geodolbycha (KGD). Technical input involved review of KGD's portfolio of mineral properties and construction of a display booth for marketing at the PDAC Convention in Toronto, during March 7-10, 2004. KGD and PRGCI worked together to design a 2005 tour of their Russian operations for the Alaska Miners Association.

Western Client Assessment of Infrastructure Needs in Russian Far East A large western mineral firm has deployed PRGCI to provide information on road access, power availability, and miscellaneous environmental regulatory issues in a remote region of the Russian Far East. PRGCI has consulted for several other mining companies trying to assess the opportunities and limitations of working in the Russian Federation.

Alaska Copper and Silver Property Assessment Project PRGCI has initiated a statewide search for quality copper and silver properties to fulfill a client's needs.

Expert witness Testimony — At various times during the last 10 years, PRGCI President Bundtzen has provided expert witnesss testimony for mineral properties in litigation.

List of Publicly Accessible PRGCI Work Products Completed for Clients

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