Message: What????

Re: What????

posted on Jan 09, 2009 06:21PM

120,000 or 320,000 shares traded, mox nix, the share price went down by point zero zero zero nine that's .0009 or 9/1,000ths of a cent. Just what kind of financing is going to help a stock barely trading at one cent and only operates with 900 million shares and no proven reserves enough to cover costs and Anselmos lavish life style?

The only person making money here is the one duping the crazy investors with pipe dreams of making a million dollars out of a penny stock. Who was it that said Silverado would be worth billions? NAK is a stock with proven reserves, much greater than Silverado could ever dream of. The Green Fuel project is a dead horse. There are other coal projects that are in operation making a little profit, so the Green Fuel won't be such a big splash even if it ever got on line.

Just the same, I wish you all the best, as I have SOLD all of my SLGLF shares for you all to do as you will with.

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