Message: Re-emphasis of "Probable RESERVES", not "indicated/inferred resources" by 3x10e

Re-emphasis of "Probable RESERVES", not "indicated/inferred resources" by 3x10e

posted on Jan 10, 2009 04:05AM

by my estimation looking at all the maps and data, what is quantified as "Probable Reserves" in the report (YES, RESERVES, not "indicated resources" or "inferred resources", this categorization of reserves is a huge milestone for the company) is not only the tip of the Nolan iceberg, it is only the tip of the Workman's Bench iceberg.

I have studied the maps and the analysis and I honestly believe what we have quantified at WB so far is only ~1/15th to ~1/10th (or 7 to 10%) of what is at WB. Perhaps it is only 1% of Nolan in total.

This property is huge and rich, and my hope is that someone in the financial world will see this by assessing the Bundtzen report as the first data point of dozens more to come, that prove major profitability.

The incredible level and variety of geotechnical work performed on the majority of Nolan plus the Buntdzen report for the first sliver should wake up some big boys as to the total size of Nolan in potential antimony and gold reserves.

With further drill results, the word 'Probable" will change to "Proven". 3x10e6 has hit the nail on the head & this is a major change - Nolan property is & will be world class after it is fully assessed - a painstakingly long & detailed process!

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