Message: Could Silverado's Green Fuel raise its friendly head soon?

David, in an ideal world, Silverado could build it's own Demonstration Plant &/or Commercial Green Fuel Plant & prove the quality of its product beyond a doubt. In 2007, the Federal & State government officials were so full of promises - and yet so much hot air - typical of many politicians. Couldn't even afford to chip money into the Demonstration Plant, yet could waste money in the blink of an eyelash elsewhere - like 2B/month in Iraq.

However, the chickens will eventually come home to roost. Oil prices are rising - eventually the pain will be felt in the pocket book - people will complain & maybe, just maybe, politicians will be forced to listen for a change. Can you imagine gasoline going above $5/gal? Gold will break thro' the $1,000 barrier again & the Nolan will be a world class find - once & for all! Believe me, Tom Bundzten is not crazy. In summary I feel we have the best of both worlds re gold & alternative energy. Antimony is a real bonus. What more can I say?

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