Message: The Rest of the Story - Grim Reaper.

Thanks Grim - wish that footwork were true; however, the truth is that when I get up to dance, my children usually smile & start laughing - especially if the music is fast. Prefer the old foxtrot & someone like Nat King Cole singing "Love is the Thing." Perhaps you remember some of the beautiful lyrics to this favourite song:

" What does it matter if we're rich or we're poor

Fortune & fame, they never endure

Love is the thing!"

Perhaps I should have taken dance lessons from Fred Astair - haha.

My username Fastfoot actually refers to my walking feet (or feat- pardon the pun-haha).

2 yrs. ago May /07 I walked by myself 21 1/2 miles in just under 6 hrs. for a War Memorial Chapel Restoration Fund - had almost 400 sponsors - left at 4:30 a.m - finished at 10:28 a.m. (including 2 10 minute short breaks )- raised $54,806 for this unique chapel, dedicated to our Veterans - only 3 like in in Canada off military property. My doctor quipped " what the heck's the matter with you - you only went 3 1/2 miles per hr - in the army they walk 4 miles/hr. Just goes to show you , you can't please everyone. Did this same walk back in 1978,1980 & 1985 for different reasons. Nice thing was I kept it out of the local newspapers - much more meaningful that way - one of my life's most joyous experiences. (Walking at my age for $153/minute was a true miracle) Yrs earlier managed only $1100, 2300 & 3300 - goal this time was $5,000 - but it mushroomed- shows respect for our Veterans which they richly deserve!!!)

Now you know, "The Rest of the Story!"

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