Message: Silverado Wise Guys vs. Raging Bull Yahoos

Brilliantly stated Doc - bravo, bravo! We will be thrilled you have you playing centre field. You are a good judge of fly balls & only expend the energy necessary to get to them. Experience, wisdom & agility have made you an All-Star for years - an unbeatable combo'!

As an added bonus, as health care professionals, you & I can provide the following - - you adroitly can analyse any general problems & I can make free professional mouth guards to protect the teeth. Any chipped teeth will be fixed free of charge!

Their kitty mascot will probably be freaked out by our Mascot - a beautiful Pit Bull called "Silverado" who is well controlled & loves all of us - however he doesn't put up with any crap & quickly stands up for what he knows is right!

Playing field is a problem - we like playing on Natural Grass - they like playing on Artificial Turf or as you say, in the kitty litter box which is really smelly! We like natural playing conditions - they prefer "artificial" - The site for this game also has to be chosen!

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