Message: News

Re: News

posted on Jan 07, 2010 06:02PM

Here you go. The only question I have, is that the Website summary has only inferred and probable in '09....maybe the Buntdzen report had indicated in '09 as well, and if so, then the below is apples and oranges and will be corrected.

Hope the wide table shows up OK...

Reserve Category Quantity Ore (tons) % Sb Metal (tons Sb) @95% Recovery Value/Ton Sb Grade (Toz Au/ton) Metal (Toz Au) @ 90% Recovery Value/Toz Au Total Value Sb Total Value Au Grand Total Gross Value Mining Days @250 tpd Net Value @ 60% Value per Share SP @ P/E =15
1/1/2009, Probable 42,412.0 28 11,281.3 $4,950 0.408 15,570.0 $750 $55,842,188 $11,677,500 $67,519,688 170 $40,511,813 $0.021 $0.32
1/1/2009 Inferred 24,077.0 12.45 2,847.7 $4,950 0.245 5,305.2 $750 $14,096,214 $3,978,923 $18,075,137 96 $10,845,082 $0.006 $0.09
Total, Jan 2009 66,489.0 14,129.0 0.31 20,875.2 $69,938,402 $15,656,423 $85,594,824 266 $51,356,894 $0.027 $0.41
1/7/2010, Probable 42,412.0 28.00% 11281.6 $6,000 0.408 15573.7 $900 $67,689,552 $14,016,318 $81,705,870 170 $49,023,522 $0.026 $0.39
1/7/2010, Indicated 12,039.0 20.02% 2289.7 $6,000 0.236 2557.1 $900 $13,738,184 $2,301,375 $16,039,560 48 $9,623,736 $0.005 $0.08
1/7/2010, Inferred 34,206.0 14.92% 4848.4 $6,000 0.357 10990.4 $900 $29,090,151 $9,891,349 $38,981,500 137 $23,388,900 $0.012 $0.18
Total Jan, 2010 88,657.0 18,419.6 0.33 29,121.2 $110,517,887 $26,209,042 $136,726,929 355 $82,036,157 $0.043 $0.65
22,168.0 4,290.7 8,245.9 $40,579,486 $10,552,620 $51,132,105 $30,679,263 $0.24
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