Message: Closing Price: 0.0030!

n6863v, it is a good idea to check to see how many shares traded hands at 0.003 ( in this case towards the end of the day ). 50k shares at 0.003 is only $45 - trade commission. There were a number of small trades at the end of that day. This shows up as a big hit to my portfolio until the next day when ~normal trading starts.

IMHO if someone is buying on margin these small trades could cause them real problems.

IMHO if someone has a 'stop loss' in place these small trades could cause them to loose their stock. I know from a bad experience what can happen when I lost my stock before the market opened because my 'stop loss' was triggered. That was the one and only time I have ever used a 'stop loss'. Some people swear by them but because of 'cross trades' and such tactics by MM I do not use 'stop loss's. You have to choose to use 'stop loss' or not. Your decision.

IMHO the 0.003 SP also scares a lot of retail investors into dumping their stock 'before the SP goes even lower'. It could also lead investors to think if the SP is going to keep going down to sell now and buy back later when it is cheaper ( IMHO I believe this thinking would be a mistake but that is just my opinion ).

I will be the first to state that this past year has been really rough for Silverado long investors. An investor that has done their DD either believes in Silverado or they don't. If they do believe in Silverado then IMHO they need to hold on tight to all their shares. I refuse to sell my shares at what I consider fire sale prices. I am not saying I will not sell some shares one day but when I do sell the price will be >> greater than 0.003 a share.

I will say it has been a good while since I have checked out Silverado's web site and after going over all the diagrams and reading all the discussions and looking at all the pictures I am even more convinced that my DD is correct. I suggest everyone revisit Silverado's web sight and think about what is being presented.

That being said it is your investment dollars you are investing. Do your own DD and make your own investment decisions.


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