Message: Closing Price: 0.0030!

Brilliantly stated MISH. No one denies this past year has been extremely tough for Silverado shareholders, but it has also been a year of fantastic opportunity for those who BELIEVE - knowing we only need FINANCING to start digging out what we feel with 99.99% certainty is there. Many of us have loaded up & now stand to prosper.

Faithful Longs need to ignore the Psychological Game of Warfare that is being waged by the M.M's, the bashers & shorts. Either you're on board the S.S. Silverado or you're not. We will stand firm & await takeoff. When that happens the tone will quickly change. It will be critical not to sell into short advances but rather put the squeeze on those who have played this silly game & stolen that we which we have had - time to let them pay. Remember - do not be swayed by 1/100's or 1,000ths of a cent fluctuation - rather a silly mind game.

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