Message: "Multiplier Affect" Can Make an Investor Very-Very Rich

To add to mainman's comment, "When was the last time the share price tripled in value?" even though it is less than a penny.

The flip-side of this positive move upward in share price would have the legal short sellers scrambling to cover their bets that have gone bad from each squeeze which ultimately helps the momentum of the share price to move higher to counter the naked shorting in the stock.

Yes, it is true one can accumulate many-many share at this sub-penny level to take advantage of the "Multiplier Affect" to become very rich or very broke depending which side of the bet you take. If you are a long, all you can lose is your initial investment but if you are a short seller, your losses can be infinite depending on how high the share price rises. But if you are a long who has accumulated many shares in the sub-penny level and the share price moves higher up in to the dollars, the mutiplier affect can make this type of investor very-very-very rich $$$

$$ Ka-Ching Ka-Ching $$

Sep 12, 2010 05:37PM
Sep 12, 2010 07:27PM
Sep 12, 2010 07:32PM
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