Message: Re: China Quietly Halting Mineral Shipments to U.S, Japan & Europe

Antimony will be worth a fortune!! and Silverado has a once in a lifetime opportunity, being in the right place at the right time, to capitalize on this war of natural resources.

I've posted in the past that one of my main interest is in geopolitics. I posted here on Agora that the US Military produced a report 2008 in it they said "We face a potential return to traditional security threats posed by emerging near-peers as we compete globally for depleting natural resources and overseas markets." The first salvos of this resource wars started when the US invaded the middle east for their oil, the war is now spreading to all other natural resources. Remember through-out history wars have always been fought over the scarcity of natural resources/commodites.

At that time I also posted that I use to subscribed to "The Intelligence Digest" reported in 1998 of a secret plan by Russia with S. Africa to launch a strategic metal embargo against the US. China has initiated this strategic metal embargo war, I would expect Russia and S. Africa to follow China's lead. Russia is the biggest producer of Titanium used to build aircrafts and S. Africa is a large producer of many startegic metals. I still have that 1998 Intelligence Digest report in my possession. GRIM

$$ Ka-Ching Ka-Ching $$


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