Message: Huge FRAUD At COMEX Covering Up Huge Demand for GOLD - Craig Hemke

Huge Fraud at COMEX Covering Up Huge Demand for Gold-Craig Hemke

on: 11/11/2015 by Greg Hunter 207 Comments

By Greg Hunter’s

Financial expert Craig Hemke says not only is the 300 to 1 leverage at COMEX “extreme fraud,” but it also is a sign of record demand for physical gold. Hemke explains, “We have been at this number now for a couple of months. . . . Meaning that for every one physical ounce of supply in the vaults of COMEX, there are 300 beneficial owners. 300 paper ounces have been created. That leverage, that stress is telling us something. You get the anecdotal stories about the empty vaults of London and the stress of the gold that is flowing out of the vaults of London and out of the U.S., out of the UK and into Switzerland. There are stories of the refiners running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, taking the old 400 ounce gold bar and . . . recasting them into kilo bars and shipping them to the East where the demand is. . . . It’s huge fraud to cover up huge demand. There is no doubt about it.”


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